Providing and delivering essential food parcels to local young people and their families coupled with supportive and relational door step chats.
How did the collaboration come about?
The collaboration materialised from Brixton & Norwood and Waterloo Foodbanks chatting with the Oasis Waterloo Youth team. As lockdown continued, the Foodbanks continued to deliver food parcels to people. The Oasis Youth team were part of the Foodbank delivery team and suggested doubling up Foodbank deliveries with visiting young people and their families in the same neighbourhoods. The door step visits provided food parcels, digital devices and more importantly human and relational connection.
Will the project continue beyond COVID-19 lockdown?
We are still delivering food parcels & offering door step visits. With schools and youth services resuming, a larger part of our focus will be on developing relationships in school and the community.
How was the project funded
We managed to secure a range of CV19 related funding that led to the Foodbank delivery model and maintained a high level of youth support.