The project brought together carers, NHS patients, adults facing disabling barriers, adults living with or in recovery from mental ill health and people seeking or who have been granted asylum and delivered a programme of workshops that explored the relationship between photography and mindfulness
How did the collaboration come about?
The project idea was initiated by the community engagement team at Gloucester Cathedral encouraged by the opportunity to apply for Take Note funding that specifically supported collaboration and cross-sector partnership working for social impact. Some members of the eventual partnership group also attended Take Note’s speed dating event where they had the opportunity to meet other organisations across the community and generate new ideas for ways for working together. Despite the wide-ranging work and community reach of the individual organisations, they were united in their shared interest in using the arts for positive social impact and exploring the intersection between creativity and well-being (in this case, photography and mindfulness).
The collaboration involved a photographer, a refugee charity, a cathedral, a user-led social inclusion charity, an NHS Hospital Foundation and a carers charity
Will the project continue beyond COVID-19 lockdown?
Members of the groups who met during the three mindful photography courses are continuing to meet informally. Individual and on-going passion for photography in some participants has been piqued.
How was the project funded
By the Take Note Connect fund, made possible by Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and Footwork Trust