A catalogue
of collaborative

In response to COVID-19, this is a platform to gather, share, celebrate and investigate collaborative working that demonstrates and delivers innovation and social impact.

Lock-downs across the world have prompted an outpouring of action and a remarkable response to urgent need – from meals for people at risk to emergency accommodation for rough sleepers. At the heart of the response is successful collaboration, with innovative ideas for multidisciplinary working, delivery methods and means of communication cutting across the usual red-tape.

We want this to continue. Just as we have enjoyed cleaner air, we have experienced an active collaborative spirit and felt its value. And it has happened quickly. The shock of the pandemic, common to all areas of the globe, has created rapid change that will feature in the history books.

This platform in itself has been a collaboration between The London School of Architecture, ft’work, The London Festival of Architecture and The Future Fox – all committed and activated across our vast networks to communicate and build upon this work.

The examples and data collected through Collaborative Change will be formed into a digital catalogue, accessible to all. It will record and celebrate the remarkable local responses to a life-transforming global event; to inspire and prompt further and lasting action. Recording the impact of these new ways of working is critical in sustaining social change.

Wherever you are and whatever your field of work or interest , please submit your active examples of successful collaboration in response to COVID-19, and beyond.

These can be physical, practical, virtual; they can involve new or existing relationships, networks and ways of working, within and between communities, industries or across sectors.

There are just two essential ingredients: they must be collaborations and have an identifiable social impact.

The world needs to learn from your successful examples. Join the movement for change by adding your project to the catalogue and participating in the platform.

Project team

Lara Kinneir

Co-founder - team lead

Lara is a designer, and leader of the Cities Programme at the London School of Architecture. She works across public, private, civic and academia sectors to make things the best they can be.  She facilitates and delivers connections and actions between diverse fields and industries to bring new insights and opportunities for the betterment of the places we inhabit.

Clare Richards


Clare is an architect and award-winning documentary filmmaker. She founded ft’work in 2016 to help create thriving communities and to ensure clear social principles and local voices are at the heart of place-making. A not for profit, ft’work collaborates at local level to support and initiate projects whilst, at national level, pushing for better education, good practice and policy change

Annette Jezierska

Collaborator - platform

Annette is the CEO and Co-Founder of The Future Fox. The Future Fox helps government, local authorities and urban planners collaborate with communities meaningfully at scale using citizen-centric and data-powered technology. She is passionate about helping citizens lead the future of their cities, and believes early stage, meaningful collaboration is the way to do this.

Matthew Luke

Collaborator - design and build
In collaboration with